A「Suddenly, sleep in autumn to have. 」
B「Moreover, it sleeps suddenly for having.」
A「However ..sleep... It is of autumn and fear of the autumn eating and the art ..
autumn it.. if it is said autumn after all.」
B「What? Did not you mix in something strange autumn now?」
A「What?Is it HOSHINOAKI?Then, ..the name of a person it... Sleep. ?」
B「It is of Tscco a variety of differing too much that differs, differs, and is
different from what.」
A「I want to announce the story that thinks independently here and.」
B「Moreover, do?Is there Hi the guest?」
A「There was Mr. C in certain.」
B「It encounters and , has started. ..wax.. you see.」
A「It will be in haste decided that Mr. C is transferred recently, and live in an old apartment in the vicinity of the company.」
B「It is the same setting as the guy who said before deflecting.」
A「It was made to think, and it decided to live in the luxury flat.」
B「An apartment a little while ago was what. What the petty tricks?」
A「It began to eat the cup noodle seeming immediately the face like the zombi
B「Therefore, apologize to impolite Cotoi and Mr. C for the zombi face with what.」
A「The bubble was suddenly generated from the bottom in the cup if it ate the cup
noodle, and Gopogopo and the sound were made.。」
B「It put and , came. It is .... fear though the scale is small.」
A「Mr. C did not care and drank up even soup.」
B「Anxiously. Somewhat anxiously. It is Mr. ..eating.. C in some. Mr. C became unpleasant later.」
A「Though it is likely to have come Hey to be cursed ..Mi furnace.. anyway so.」
A「It is drinking too much.」
B「Is it that? Do you sleep in a completely ordinary talk?」
A「It was said that it got drunk on soup and fell.」
B「Was sake put in and ..intoxication.. soup?」
A「Mr. C has become a person who doesn't return as it is.」
B「Only soup is drunk up and ginger because it doesn't die.」
A「Tragedy etc. of beard.」
B「The beard doesn't relate. Are good, and already thank you very much.」